The REAL Kickoff of the 2014 Pacific Northwest Waterfall Tour – Palouse Falls

Spring has got to be the best time to visit Palouse Falls. The water is flowing at its heaviest and vivid green accents the hills around the area. Any other time of the year the entire area would be blanketed in a drab brown.

I’ve seen photos of this waterfall in the wintertime, also. With the frost and ice encrusted walls of the cliffs that surround the waterfall, it’s an entirely different portrait – also very beautiful. Either way, Palouse Falls is among the prettiest waterfalls in the pacific northwest.

Waterfall Tour Kickoff

We set out for our one-day journey on a Saturday morning in early May. This is the “real” kickoff for our 2014 Pacific Northwest Waterfall Tour.  We tried to get things started in March, but found it to be a little early for the chosen destination.

This day, we followed highway 24 east from Yakima, over the Vernita bridge, and continued east on highway 26 to the falls. Normally, I would consider that route to be long, desolate, and boring, but Leslie and I were accompanied by our son’s girlfriend. The pleasant conversation along the way made the 2 1/2 hour drive from our home in Yakima seem very short and quick.

We quickly found a place to park, jumped out of the car, and immediately began to snap photos of the grand waterfall. I’m so thankful for digital photography, but could use better battery life with my Samsung Galaxy S4 camera/phone for occasions such as this.

Images of Palouse Falls

This is a spectacular waterfall with a large volume of water plummeting nearly 200 feet into the bowl of the coulee. It is surrounded by interesting rock formations and varying levels of plateaus. My only interest in geology is purely for the aesthetic value, but I have no doubts that a geology hobbyist would have a heyday here.

palouse falls from the top
palouse falls from the top
I had a nervous moment watching my travel partners inch themselves down to the edge of the cliff for a photo op.
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Hiking Around Palouse Falls

After a short walk to the south end of the park for some quick snapshots from the viewpoint, we proceeded north from the main picnic and camping area of the park on the trails to the top of the waterfall.

I would describe the trail as being only moderately difficult. It does require caution in places, and I wouldn’t advise anyone with small children or individuals in weaker health conditions or with balance problems to attempt this trail.

After the decent down a rocky slide to the Palouse River above the waterfall, we meandered our way between the river and a rock wall until we arrived at the rock spires they call the “Mohawk” and the precipice overlooking the falls.

My wife and my son’s girlfriend arrived shortly before I did, and when I got there, they had shuffled down to the edge of the precipice for a photo op. I have to admit being more than just a little nervous with them exposing themselves to such a precarious position. The footing isn’t entirely stable and there is nothing below them but certain death with any miss-step.

Though there were several people following a path around the inside of the bowl and down into the bottom of the falls, we elected not to take that trip. Under advise from multiple hikers and bloggers, I felt that the danger was more than I wished to face.

From here, we returned to the car and moved on down the road to find a place for lunch.  I heard there was a decent little place at a KOA campground in King’s Ferry.  Maybe we’ll check that out.

Big Sur – Julia Pfeiffer Beach and McWay Falls

Waterfall at Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur

Waterfall at Pfeiffer Beach in Big SurI was speaking with a business acquaintance and mentioned to him that I was planning to scour the northwest for all the best waterfalls in the region.  I told him that I am going to ride my Goldwing around my region to find all the most spectacular falls in my area.

He asked if I had ever seen the waterfall at Big Sur.  I had not.

This photo is one he emailed to me to show me what it was like.  He took the photo during a recent visit to the park.

I did some quick searching online and found that this is McWay Falls at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park in Big Sur to the south of Monterrey, California.

Based on the photo, I think it is a beautiful location.  Reviews from other people who have visited the beach are considerably positive.  It sounds like there are lots of interesting rock formations that some of the older kids like to climb around on.  There is some purple sand that people find very interesting.  Also, many people come in around sunset to take pictures of the sunset over the rocks.

I would definitely like to visit this area.  I have it on my bucket list to ride my motorcycle down the Pacific Coast from the northwest corner of Washington state, all the way to the southern point of the California coast.  I expect that we will stop here for a bit while we are on that trip.

Have you been here, before?  What can you tell us about this area?  Are the reviews from other visitors accurate?

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Waterfall Adventure Coming Soon

Multnomah Falls

Multnomah FallsLeslie and I have decided that whenever we pull our Goldwing out of winter storage in the spring, we are going to begin touring Washington state and surrounding areas in search of the most spectacular waterfalls of the pacific northwest.  Our plan is to venture out about every other weekend through the riding months.

According to Northwest Waterfall Survey, there are around 2000 waterfalls in Washington and about 1200 in Oregon.  There is no possible way that we will see all of them in one summer, but we want to find the biggest and the best of all of them.

One of the most popular is Multnomah Falls.  I’ve been to that one many times, as has everyone who has driven down the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge on I-84.  It is a beautiful sight to behold and I would highly recommend stopping by the visitor’s area and walking, at least, up to the Benson Bridge.

When we find our waterfalls, we plan to view them, take some pictures, and move on.  Don’t expect us to do any waterfall hucking during our adventures.  Our pleasure is in traveling together with a destination in mind, and finding the destination.  The bonus is in the beauty of the waterfalls that we explore.